Research Programs
Alphenyx participates in fundamental and medical research by collaborating with academic and private partners.
​Our main research interests are:

Skin repair and Immunity

Skin cancers

Inflammatory and autoimmune skin diseases
In addition to these scientific collaborations, Alphenyx aims to contribute to research by offering preferential rates for academic laboratories
Collaborative Research Projects
Collaboration with our academic partners:
Skin Healing and Metabolism:
Since 2016, Alphenyx is collaborating with Dr Christophe Egles from the Compiègne Technological University on research projects that focus on skin healing and metabolism, with applications for severe chemicals burns. For this project human skin is grafted on immunodeficient mice as sadly no alternative exist ex vivo yet.
Utilization of a mouse/human chimeric model for long term metabolic testing of human skin P.Quantin, K.Ghazi, U.Pereira, A. Smith, L. Degardin, P.Vigneron, H.Ficheux, J.Garlickc, L.Rapetti , C.Egles; Journal of pharmacological and Toxicological Methods.(2020,V102,p106663)
Skin physiopathology and pollutant toxicity:
Since 2017, Alphenyx is working in close cooperation with Pr Philippe Piccerelle from the Aix-Marseille University on the signalization pathways involved in skin inflammation and leading to skin disease like psoriasis and cancers.
We are studying in particular the role of the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) in skin physiology. Our PhD student Raphaël defended his thesis the 28th of June 2022. We found exciting results on AhR that we are looking forward to sharing with you in future publications.
Further works on AhR involvement in skin cancers are currently under investigations.
In 2020, we have started a collaboration on a brand-new project to evaluate the toxicity of light weigh molecules from petroleum with Pr Chiel Jonker from the University of Utretcht.
Skin and cosmetics:
Since 2019, we are collaborating with Dr Franck Bonnier from Tours University on the project “Cosmetosciences”.
Open to collaboration:
We are always open to new collaborations with academic or private institutions to develop models adapted to specific experimental needs or interesting research project on skin immunity.